Alberto Minetti

Phone: +49 3641 656856

Proteostasis stress delays regeneration following injury in old small intestine epithelium

Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU): Faculty of Biological Sciences
Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI): Neri Research Group

First Supervisor:

Francesco Neri (Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI))

Publications 2024:

  • NRF2 activation by cysteine as a survival mechanism for triple-negative breast cancer cells.
    Bottoni L, Minetti A, Realini G, Pio E, Giustarini D, Rossi R, Rocchio C, Franci L, Salvini L, Catona O, D'Aurizio R, Rasa M, Giurisato E, Neri F, Orlandini M, Chiariello M, Galvagni F
    Oncogene 2024 (epub ahead of print)
  • Polyamines sustain epithelial regeneration in aged intestines by modulating protein homeostasis
    Minetti A, Omrani O, Brenner C, Allies G, Imada S, Rösler J, Khawaled S, Cansiz F, W.Meckelmann S, Gebert N, Heinze I, Lu J, Spengler K, Rasa M, Heller R, Yilmaz O, Tasdogan A, Neri F, Ori A
    bioRxiv 2024,
  • Leiomodin 1 promotes myogenic differentiation by modulating Sirtuin 1
    Späth* E, C.Schüler* S, Heinze I, Dau T, Minetti A, Hofmann M, von Maltzahn** J, Ori** A
    bioRxiv 2024, * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors

Publications 2022:

  • Paneth cells drive intestinal stem cell competition and clonality in aging and calorie restriction
    Annunziata F, Rasa SMM, Krepelova A, Lu J, Minetti A, Omrani O, Nunna S, Adam L, Käppel S, Neri F
    Eur J Cell Biol 2022, 101(4), 151282

Publications 2021:

  • Establishment of a fluorescent reporter of RNA-polymerase II activity to identify dormant cells
    Freter R, Falletta P, Omrani O, Rasa M, Herbert K, Annunziata F, Minetti A, Krepelova A, Adam L, Käppel S, Rüdiger T, Wang ZQ, Goding** CR, Neri** F
    Nat Commun 2021, 12(1), 3318 ** co-corresponding authors