Laura Behrendt

LGSA Member

The role of membrane-shaping proteins in hereditary axonopathies

Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU): Faculty of Biological Sciences
Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI): Kaether Research Group

First Supervisor:

Christoph Kaether (Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI))

Doctoral Disputation:


Publications 2023:

  • A YIPF5-GOT1A/B complex directs a transcription-independent function of ATF6 in ER export
    Cramer P, Yonemura Y, Behrendt L, Marszalek A, Sannai M, Durso W, Günes C, Szafranski K, Nakamura N, Nasrashvili T, Mayer J, von Eyss** B, Kaether** C
    bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.12.12.569033 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Publications 2022:

    • Conserved exchange of paralog proteins during neuronal differentiation.
      Di Fraia D, Anitei M, Mackmull MT, Parca L, Behrendt L, Andres-Pons A, Gilmour D, Helmer Citterich M, Kaether C, Beck M, Ori A
      Life Sci Alliance 2022, 5(6)

    Publications 2021:

    • The role of Atlastin-3 in hereditary axonopathies / by B.Sc., M.Sc., Laura Behrendt
      Behrendt L
      Dissertation 2021, Jena, Germany
    • Disease-causing mutated ATLASTIN 3 is excluded from distal axons and reduces axonal autophagy.
      Behrendt L, Hoischen C, Kaether C
      Neurobiol Dis 2021, 155, 105400

    Publications 2020:

    • Atlastine – wie defekte Netzwerke Neuropathien verursachen
      Behrendt L, Kaether C
      BIOspektrum 2020, 5, 485-7

    Publications 2019:

    • A disease causing ATLASTIN 3 mutation affects multiple endoplasmic reticulum-related pathways.
      Behrendt L, Kurth I, Kaether C
      Cell Mol Life Sci 2019, 76(7), 1433-45
    • The nuclear pore proteins Nup88/214 and T-ALL-associated NUP214 fusion proteins regulate Notch signaling.
      Kindermann B, Valkova C, Krämer A, Perner B, Engelmann C, Behrendt L, Kritsch D, Jungnickel B, Kehlenbach RH, Oswald F, Englert C, Kaether C
      J Biol Chem 2019, 294(31), 11741-50